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Gumby shoulders

The slumping of the shoulders (and head) when feeling extremely disappointed or dejected. Named after the claymation TV character Gumby.

"Joe had Gumby shoulders after being told that he didn't make varsity. Instead, he would have to play JV."

by yes juanito yes August 17, 2014

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Shoulder Deep

When you go shoulder deep into a womans vagina, its an extreme underground sex technique

guy : hey , lets go all the way tonight
girl : you mean Shoulder Deep?
guy : yeah Right in there, Shoulder Deep

by Bentleh September 23, 2012

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Soft Shoulder

A Boob, tit, breast, etc.

I tripped and accidently grabbed her soft shoulder.

by SoccaSupersta April 13, 2003

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Shoulder Buddy

A paper toy that is taped to your shoulder, so it resembles sittting. Manufactured and distributed by Wang/Wulf Corp.

Dang, that is some crump shoulder buddy!

by The Asian from Rockford March 22, 2007

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Head & Shoulders

When you're showering with a girl and she's giving you a blowjob, you shampoo your hair and rinse the bubbles on to her hair. She then uses those bubbles to wash her hair, all the while still sucking the dick. This is called a Head & Shoulders.

I just got a Head & Shoulders last night. I've never felt so dirty and clean at the same time.

by anaslex June 27, 2015

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a shoulder to vomit on

that sweet guy that keeps you company while you're indulging in a monologue with the toilet bowl after you get yourself lobotomized drunk at parties

-Last night Jared served me as a shoulder to vomit on, hadn't it been for him I'd've drowned in the toilet bowl
-Yeah, he's a sweetheart

by ana von hindenburg March 4, 2011

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shoulder job

When a man and 2 women are having sex, the man stands up and with his penis dangling freely. The two women stand side by side with his penis in the middle. Then one woman places her left shoulder on the penis, while the other puts her right shoulder. Then they move back and fourth in a synchronized manor, rubbing the penis.

Dude, yesterday these two girls from work gave me the most dope shoulder job ever, of all time.

by Ol' Saint Richard July 1, 2014

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