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BF Spread

The only-happens-in-porn sexual maneuver where a woman gets butt-fucked while laying on her back, yet for some reason spreads her vaj for no apparent reason.

Dude, I BF'ed my broad the other day and she didn't randomly spread her vaj. I guess the BF Spread that we see in porn is not reality-based. Who knew?

by Mataj June 29, 2009

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

bullet spread

1)The size of your crosshair in a game, most commonly a FPS, is, and ultimately disides where your bullets go

2)Bullet Spread = BS

BS = Bull Shit

Coincidence? I think NOT!

Random guy β€œthe bullet spread killed me”

by Serpentkai May 31, 2018

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Spread Beaver

Showing the vaginal area.

I saw these chicks flashing trucks on the highway, they had spread beavers!

by Hawkwarrior27 January 1, 2004

36πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

secretarial spread

Secretarial Spread
Secretarial spread means sitting down for a long period of time while the hind-end spreads outward in order to accommodate the chair. It can be changed with exercise, and activity away from sitting down on one's spread for too many hours a day.

Secretarial Spread
The rear end spreads, the separation spreads wider, and the hips get larger.

by Debra Powers September 24, 2006

17πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Spread Eagle

When I woman is on her back with her butt up in the air and her ankles by her head. It could be a sexual position.

One time I f'ed this girl in her a spread eagle position.

by BustaHymen July 20, 2011

176πŸ‘ 180πŸ‘Ž

spread ass

1. to cover or occupy in order to save for others, as in a booth at a restaurant.

2. to eat a large quantity in a small amount of time

1. the rest of our friends will be here soon. let's spread ass all over this booth until they get here.

2. you guys spread ass on this pizza. it just arrived 5 minutes ago and there's only one slice left.

by brobocop May 15, 2008

12πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Hammo Spread

A chick who comes to Hamilton Island as a thin hot chick then turns into a fat whore over a period of time gernerally less than six months.
Can also be refered to the Yalara Spread of the Tourist destination Ayers Rock.

Have you seen Jane latley? Yeah she has the Hammo Spread happening there.

by Harvey wilks March 31, 2007

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