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One of the greatest FPS of all time, despite it's bad rep for hackers, 10 year olds and anonomous imature shit talkers. Alot of people dont like it because they dont have the skill and brains to play it so they would rather play easy, braindead games like Halo2. Then on Xbox live they run into even more cheaters, 10 year olds and immature, anonomous shit talkers.

Idiotic Xbox casual gamer- OMG wtf is up with all the hackers and 10 year olds playing Counter-Strike. Im already too simple minded to play this game and now I have to deal with THIS.

Me- Get over it. Theres hella cheaters that play Halo2 on Xbox live and dont even get me started on how many little kids play that shit.

by Skill and Tactics September 12, 2005

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transit strike

When thousands of low-wage transit workers, most of which have trouble making ends meet, decide to not report to work for weeks or collect a paycheck, often at the inconvenience of millions of others who rely on them.

The New York City transit strike left millions of New York area residents without transportation to work or school.

by chrisjur December 22, 2005

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Lightning Strike

Whilst taking a girl from the back, sexually, you reach behind your back with a tazer, tazing your penis. Simultaneously shocking the both of you. Done correctly, the lightning strike will occur at the peak of orgasm.

I need to get some D batteries at the store, Jan's coming over tonight and we're gonna do the Lightning Strike.

by Dwalan November 20, 2011

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peemptive strike

Preemptive peeing before you travel or go to an event, to make sure you don't have to at an inconvenient time.

We can leave in a minute โ€” let me make a peemptive strike first.

by hurdygertie July 13, 2017

Lineage Strike

A battle maneuver which consists of a strike or blow aimed at the testicles.

"King Arthur was bested in battle by what they call a Lineage Strike, thus leading to the fall of his kingdom."

by Tipsy_Spinda November 8, 2020

Powder Strike

Powder Strike (noun) is where a person agrees not to take any drugs that come in powder form. This is usually follows a traumatic, drug related event.

I ended up being defribillated last night, on a powder strike for a while.

by Mr Smith III July 26, 2011


A game which openly promoted terrorism for decades. Nobody got real terms for this in the USA.

CIA and FBI must be really happy about this.

Counter-Strike championships must be called terrorism promos.

by Barkingdog October 5, 2023