Meaning to lick, suck, and give you pleasure while eating a late snack with 2 feminists
I got a hard succ last night. I wish I can get a succ.
Succ is a sexual term when one must succ a banana until the banana pulp enters the users mouth
after the pulp is sucked into their mouth they scream SUCC and all the banana pulp
gets turned into gas shit and starts inpregnating people
Yo jhonn have you ever performed the SUCC,
What the fuck billy
Succ is a verb used to replace blow job
Yo, she just gave me the good succ!
A person that was conceived by accident when it originally was only supposed to be a blowjob. Usually referred to someone who is disliked or a POS.
Jack is so stupid dude, I swear he's a succ.
He's a succ.
When you get the suck (blow job) but it's so good you loose some brain functions
Bruh I was at her house last night and she gave me such a good blow job I lost brain function and yelled succ