The worst type of injury a man can endure
PLEASE KILL ME!!!- a man who suffered a testicular injury
What any ball-swinging male would do for any of his buddies once they start listening to Tame Impala because of some hippy chick they are banging this month.
We have to execute a testicular intervention for Brandon. He said he is taking Madison to see Hamilton in Kinnebuckport next Friday.
When you go to buy and you don’t it’s like doing but rather then continuing you just stop
Last night my mom walked in so I had to testicular cancel
Having "a pair"
"Wow, Jim's going to ask Carol Anne to the school dance"
"Really? .....that's some testicular integrity"
Having cancer in your testicles
Jim: I love testicular cancer, it makes them so big!
Katy: Take a look at Jim's testicles, does he have testicular cancer or something? they are massive!!
The poop you have after experiencing immense testicular pain caused my Diesel.
“Dude why does the bathroom smell like fish scallops?”
“Oh man I had some testicular poop”