slut-lick - to drastically under perform; to fix or repair, and things are worse after; instead of cleaning the dirt is smeared.
You were told to clean the bathtubs, but it’s worse now than before because you slut-lick it.
Similar to acts such as the wet willy. Termed a "slug", this act is a trick played on another person in which you drag your fully extended tongue across a portion of the unsuspecting victims bare skin, leaving a slime trail.
Ewwww I hate it when you give me a slug when I'm trying to sleep! (the phrase slug lick isn't used to describe the act)
"Push licking": The act of pushing your supposedly germaphobic partner away by licking them.
"Stop push-licking me, Carl!"
"Hold still! You have a smudge of dirt on your face!"
When you go down on a chick, usually a stripper, post sex and get a little extra protein boost from your own nut.
Dude you took that stripper home?
Yeah man gave here the ol’ Brick and lick special.
Ahh nice man always good to have a little protein after a workout.
Response given to someone who is boasting or bragging about themselves.
Origin: Like a dog which licks itself in its crotch
Wow listen to her brag about herself; looks like someone is licking their crotch!
You have a serious problem, i have a serious problem. We just can't fucking stop licking the mirrors! You wake up in the morning one day and just have the temptation to lick your bedroom mirror. You don't bother to stop and think about it, just walk straight up to the mirror and lick it. You have that disgusting taste in your mouth that you can't seem to get out, then you think of freckles and that horrible dust taste just vanishes. Freckles.
ME: Hey bob my mirror tasted odd this morning
Bob: No way you lick that shit too?
ME: Hell yeah cuz
You have a serious case of Mirror Licking, its only one in a million i suggest getting it checked out.
The act of one lesbian licking another lesbians vagina.
Maggie: 'What were you doing last night then Lizzie, you look really tired...'
Lizzie: 'I was up licking carpet all night... And I only got $20 for it!'
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