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So Much Win

When something is incredibly good

Dude, that picture of Jessica Alba was so much win...

by Significant Shrinkage October 24, 2009

65πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

too much swag

having so much swagg your the king of swag

Pauly D from the Jersey Shore: "If you look up 'too much swag' in the dictionary, you'll see a big picture of my face."

by Anonymuslolololol February 5, 2012

780πŸ‘ 188πŸ‘Ž

much love for you

"much love" or "much love for you" is a way of giving props and/or showing respect to your homies and/or family members, whether they are male or female. it does not necessarily reflect feelings of sexual desire, but expresses affection between friends.

1.) between friends: "you know your my my boy/my girl and i have much love for you"
2.) between male friends: "much love for ya, bro"
3.) or simply say "much love" at the end of a casual encounter, regardless of gender

by Anonymous Homie December 10, 2007

176πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

You're too much!

Expresses a mixture of surprise and admiration of behavior that is considered extreme or well beyond expected social norms; generally to express praise and shock at another person's capacity to be balsy.

Boy: So you're going to accept the diamond engagement ring and not give it back after you dump him?
Girl: Well of course I'm waiting to get the ring; otherwise I would have already dumped him. Duh!
Boy: You're too much!

by Emily H L April 6, 2008

186πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

too much water

Bad, underrated or received much hate. From an IGN review about Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire describing it to be "too much water" because they think it's bad.

Person 1: What do you think about Justin Bieber's new music video "Baby?"
Person 2: It's too much water.
Person 1: Hey!

by Ipsylon December 11, 2014

37πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Doing Too Much

the act of overachieving without any results or purpose.

Telling a joke but nobody laughs afterwords.
Worrying about unnecessary topics.
Irritating a person, whether purposely or unaware

Example 1: Joe-"I finished my project yesterday!"
Kevin-"But it's not due until next Friday.."
Joe-"Yah, I just stayed up until 3 o' clock doing it."
Kevin-"Aw, you're doin' too much.."

Example 2: Dion-"I wore a Hollister shirt yesterday,
now i'm afraid that i'll become a different person if
i start wearing it regularly. i should put this as my
Facebook status!"
Jay-"You're doing too much.."

by Jay Bird To The November 13, 2010

185πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

How much is the fish?

When one is seeking to purchase narcotics but doesn’t wish to freely advertise the fact to all and sundry.

β€œHow much is the fish?”

β€œ$300 per gram”

by Tigerland19 May 13, 2022

17πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž