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Pressure Plate

verb. from 'to pressure plate'
The act of penetrating a woman so hard that the reflex response is for the woman to queef or to shout 'OMG I FORGOT TO FINISH OFF MY CASTLE IN MINECRAFT'.

Last night was amazing! He knocked my memory back into me!
Yeah, forgot to finish my castle in MC... I wanna pressure plate again.

by Russell Feathers June 20, 2016

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Peer pressuring

What Andres Barrientos does.

Andres Barrientos likes peer pressuring people into joining band. What an asshole.

by axzamxa August 9, 2011

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Pressure Fart

1. uncontrollable flatulence produced by the onset of a full bladder.
2. when the pressure in your full bladder causes you to physically lose control of your farts.

Dude, quit stinking up the car!
Sorry man, I have to pee so bad that it's causing me to pressure fart.

by beechbum March 30, 2011

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Apply pressure

To eat her pussy until she cant talk nomore

I apply pressure to the coochie hole

by Llcoolbae July 6, 2018

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Ever wondered how it will feel like ejaculating but nothing coming out?
Well now you can, introducing Pressure-Treasure.
Simply install the tip of a Q-Tip inside your pee hole and start choking the rooster. When your done just simply remove the Q-Tip and toss away. No more mess to clean up!!!
How does this work?
Well the Q-Tip stops the sperm from ever leaving your body, and your body swallows the sperm back due to pressure.

*Warning Don't Try This At Home, You Will Die!!!*

"No more toilet paper? Fuck!!! I need to cum so badly!!! Oh there's a Q-Tip right there. (Installed Q-Tip). Oh yeah aahhh, it feels so good. Oh I'm cumming, I'm cumming!!!
There you go,no more clean up."

He died after for trying this.
Dont do Pressure-Treasure unless you're serious!!!

by What Boner? July 12, 2011

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Cock of Pressure

The 'Cock of Pressure' is something that is often choked on when someone is playing a game and is on the verge of winning, however that person never wins, because they are choking on the 'Cock of Pressure'

Person 1: Are you winning?

Person 2: I nearly won, but I choked on the 'Cock of Pressure'

by iCaptain-Obvious March 31, 2011

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Beer pressure

A force which sways one to act in a way one would not normaly act... usually after the copious consumption of beers.

"I was beer pressured to... take my pants off at the Bar Mitzvah" and run while singing "danger zone"...

by Velocian69 September 26, 2009

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