A stage move created by guitarist JB Brubaker of the band August Burns Red where the participant high kicks on stage with such force that his scrotum rips.
Damn, did you see JB’s testicles on the ground after he nailed that rad Scrote Ripper? What a badass!
When you’re riding him anal and then you say “let it rip” and proceed to 360 On his cock
Last night Sarah gave me a nasty cock ripper. It tore my dick clean off
A Psychopathic Murderer who Cannibalized 39 Criminally Insane criminals after a Karen Banegas cheated on him.
The Chesapeake Ripper has terrorized the Criminally Insane of the Midwest because of a Karen Banegas.
A driver of epic proportions. His swing bears a graceful resemblance to that of Gary Sheffield and John Daly, which results in him smashing golf balls 400 yards off the tee box.
Dude 1: Hey did you see yard ripper tee off?
Dude 2: Yeah! He ripped that shit 375 outta the yard and over the left tree line, but hard faded it back into the fairway.
A bloss floric with a follow through.
What's a bloss ripper? A bloss floric when she follows through.
A man whose penile girth surpasses the area that the axe wound allows, therefore causing a tear from the point of insertion to the anus.
- Hey Monica , should I go on a date with Beau?
- I wouldn't , I heard he was a real taint ripper.