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lightning storm

Looks Good From a distance but you wouldn't want to get too close.

"Look at her she's well fit" mate replies "nah mate iv'e seen her close up she's a right lightning storm"

by Tonyonein January 14, 2015

Bitch Storm

Bitch Storm= Someone very important to you is throwing up a bunch of random fucking shit from there anus for a prolonged period of time

"My Girlfriend went on a 7 hour bitch storm last night... like fuck my life"

by King0125 November 17, 2015

Bro Storm

So much bro, the atmosphere can not handle it.

In today's forecast: sunny with a 30% chance of a Bro storm.

by Openslot November 10, 2011

storm shield

The only way to protect yourself from a thunder hammer.

As I tried to finish my girl with a thunder hammer, she put up a storm shield by covering herself with the sheets.

by Juggy1337 September 3, 2008

Storm Chaser

A person who seeks relationships that are in constant turmoil

Dont hook up with Amy, she's a total storm chaser.

by Nora A stilrag May 1, 2016

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shit storm

n. Figuratively, a huge downpour of shit; not to be confused with an actual dump as experienced by a headshitter

Dude, I fucked up large. Now I'm gonna face a gale force shit storm!

by D'emon November 7, 2002

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perfect storm

When three events, usually beyond one's control, converge and create a large inconvenience for an individual. Each event represents one of the storms that collided on the Andrea Gail in the book/movie titled the perfect storm.

I had planned to go out tonight with my friends but then the perfect storm hit and now I can't do anything, my boss wanted me to work late, my girlfriend told me "we needed to talk", and my car won't start.

by TRex August 21, 2004

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