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Y! Answers

A question and answer website made by Yahoo! where anybody with a yahoo mail account can join and help others for points and ask questions by spending the earned points. Questions are most likely to be answered and sometimes the answers could be useless. Many categories of questions are answered. Some question can be very dumb where people could find it by researching the internet but choose not to. The website is full of spammers that will tell you to join websites. Eventually you get reported and all your hard work is gone because your account gets banned for spamming multiple times or cursing.

These are some examples of any kinds of Qs and As you would find in Y! Answers

Spammed answer

Q: I do i get a ps3 at cheap price?
A: Oh use this website and u can get it for free: "referral link or scam site"

Bad answer

Q: Why did _____ happen to me?
A: google it
A: idk, maybe because of ____, but im not sure

Dumb question
Q:How much does a macbook cost?
A: $1000
A: google it dumb a$$

Not a question question

Q: Earn free stuff!!???
description: hey join this site under me: example.com/refer/nolifespammer

Opinion question
Q: what should i get, a ps3 or xbox?
A: xbox, ps3 gay
A: ps3, xbox gay

by bhargavat August 22, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Chaturbate ( . Y . )

What is chaturbate. It's only the best free live sex chat sites with 1000's of naked girls that you can peek into there bedrooms anytime of the day or night for free at chaturbate.com


After my wife caught me fapping my disco stick for 16 hours on chaturbate she forced me to eat her soggy box for 3 hours after she just got off the neighbors pogo stick. Chaturbate ( . Y . )

by Thedurb November 17, 2019

35๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Back of the Y

"Back of the Y is without a doubt the greatest thing to grace our television screens in many years. If youre looking for a half hour of full kicking, mind blowing, no budget, stunt laden wanking jokes then this is for you. While everyone seems to be talking about the American series 'Jackass' at the moment, its good to see that our own home grown Kiwi dumbasses Matt Heath and Chris Stapp have once again risen to the challange and made a show so stupid and funny that it makes any jackass look lameass."

"Listen im gonna say this once! DRUGS, are for GROWN UPS! GO TO BED!"

"I'm not an asshole, I'M A MAN!"

"your kids, are on drugs, RIGHT NOW!"

by Hazel September 22, 2004

34๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


French meaning "Let's Go". Coined by the Tenth Doctor in the British tv show "Doctor Who".

Doctor: "What's you're first name?"
Alonso: "Alonso".
Doctor: "You're kidding me".
Alonso: "What?"
Doctor: "That's something else I've always wanted to say".
Doctor: "Allons-y Alonso!!"

by mabiniss2 November 20, 2010

1093๐Ÿ‘ 254๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nhu Y

If you know a Nhu Y in your life, you're in luck. she expresses her love through spotify links and tries her best to make others happy. But be warned, when shes having a mental breakdown, she can be found sprawled on the floor or in the bathroom.

person 1: look, Nhu Y sent me a spotify link
person 2: she's in love with u... bro

by pu$$ysl@yer444 March 26, 2021

26๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


The abbreviation for 'your name' typically used in books where you are a character, like x readers.

On wattpad I read a Harry potter fanfiction Where I was in the book, so it had (Y/N)

by Queeniegrace November 9, 2018

91๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


pronounced kyo-ee. the way you feel when you're rejected, angry, moody, volatile depressed, lost or confused, relating to the expressions kyo (kyou) sohma from the awesome anime Fruits Basket usually presents.

*person 2 offers person 1 a piece of gum*
person 1: eww, hell no! is that an effin leek?!?!
person 2: are you feeling kyo-y today?
person 1: who asked you, you damn rat!
perosn 2: 0_o

by francheska x3 March 10, 2008

49๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž