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zipper morals

loose morals, implies that the person has an excessive desire and willingness to unzip one's fly

Judging by his mannerisms, that guy probably has zipper morals.

by The Return of Light Joker December 15, 2010

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An offensive term used to describe female to male transgender people, referring to the stitch scars left my removing breast tissue to appear less feminine.

"What up zipper-tits!"

"Wow thats incredibly insensitive. What an unfunny and pathetic joke."

by YoureSoSkibbidy August 24, 2022

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zipper tie

Hanging one's member outside the zipper of one's pants in a comical fashion for the amusement of onlookers.

"I was so drunk at the bar last night I pulled out my zipper tie for some laughs!"

"Jonny got kicked out of the bar for pulling out the zipper tie for some laughs...he was pretty drunk"

by Jarvis Mayes November 23, 2009

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womb zipper

The place directly above the gunt where-in the woman will be able to produce her food babies.

Damn it woman, show me your womb zipper !

by pdxcreep December 2, 2010

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Unzipped zipper

A vulgar to describe a promiscuous woman who's vagina has been loosened up after all those sex she had with countless of males.

"You know Amelia? I heard shes has an unzipped zipper"

by Friendly neighbourhood guy December 11, 2021

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zipper pickle

A salty penis or phallic expression.

After rushing to zip my fly when my mother walked in on me masturbating to Bea Arthur's bulbous clitoris, I sliced my zipper pickle.

by Tushar P August 26, 2007

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Zipper Butt

There is so much un-wiped fecal matter in the crevice between your left and right butt cheeks that you can no longer open them. May often cause inability to poop. It is often linked to having a lot of anal hair and a lack of hygiene. As well as being a condition, it can also be used as an insult.

1. Dude, I've got a terrible case of Zipper Butt.

2. How's it going, Zipper Butt?

3. What's your problem? Do you have Zipper Butt or something?

4. Her Zipper Butt was about a Bananometer long, I almost puked.

5. My Zipper Butt finally split today! I bent over, and it cracked right open!

by Cockstin Lust March 13, 2011

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