As in,"That's the tits!". Used when describing something unbelievable. A phrase one shouts out when overly excited. Means;greatest, chillest, sickest, etc.
"Dude check out my new car"
" That's the fucking tits!"
"Can you believe that girl went home with me last night?"
"That's the tits no doubt, she had the tits too so its a double whammy!"
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White slang for a woman's ears.
John: "Dang! Jane has some big-ass tits!"
Bill: "I know, right? They seem to just pop right out!"
Dude 1: Bro have you've seen the new mustang
Dude 2: That's tits
The first word of a tit bird. Were you expecting fricking boobies?!?!
Greg: wow look at that tit bird
Fun but useless 99% of the time.
Oh yeah Bill, he is tits... good for a laugh but I'd never give him the job.
A powerful part of a womens body that attracts perverted males.
Males refer to these as sex toys.
Women: He staring at my Tits?
Man: Cant wait to use those!