The dopest turtle you’ll ever fuckin play with
Aka super tortuga
Useless Turtle sure was fucking up those enemies.
everything like that fucking useless stupid mug and neck gaither
Urban Dictionary: Buy the mug for your brother (random name)
Me: No, that's fucking useless shit!
someone who isnt of any use and is a bit of an idiot.
Useless tosser
You's cant even put that lightbulb in you are all useless tossers.
A person who cannot comprehend or execute the simplest of tasks
"My fucking roommate was so ignorant that they opened the box of cereal from the wrong end, and I opened it from the opposite end, and it spilled all over the floor! She is such a useless fuckwhistle
A disease a person has where they are deemed 100% useless, and cannot function in any career or social setting and are sans skills for pretty much anything.
"I was told about hald a dozen times how to open the screen door, and my boss still had to come open promptly.
'sounds like you've got uselessitis, bro!"
Stupid peaces of shit that nobody cares about like most asshole customers. you have to deal with on a daily basis at work. The stupid idiots that you just want to punch in the face and choke them because they exist. Abolish these idiots.
Customer: you're a useless employee, you should be fired.
Employee: you're a useless customer that needs to get the fuck out of here and never come back.
someone who leeches off society and is a waste of everybody's time
Jamie is an absolutely useless parasite