when someone is partaking in the act of being sus
“she is so vented”
when someone vents without permission - normally out of nowhere
W: “dude, J surprise vented again when i woke up from my nap earlier this afternoon”
M: “no way are you okay?”
W: “surprise venting sucks!”
When you hide weed or other drugs inside your vent
Bro you got any vent weed inside of your frat house?
When venting a beer for chugging a little bitch uses a towel so they won't get a booboo.
Hey did you see Ben Macey using that venting towel?
-yeah that kids a huge pussy
She opened her dent vent and covered the car bonnet with dent vent cement.
the best tiktoker
my favorite mutual
lonely…vents makes epic tiktoks! check them out!