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when someone is partaking in the act of being sus

she is so vented”

by zach peabody March 24, 2023

surprise vent

when someone vents without permission - normally out of nowhere

W: “dude, J surprise vented again when i woke up from my nap earlier this afternoon”
M: “no way are you okay?”
W: “surprise venting sucks!”

by May 5, 2024

vent weed

When you hide weed or other drugs inside your vent

Bro you got any vent weed inside of your frat house?

by Jalove011104 November 26, 2016

i just vented

Use this word when your in the bed

hey girl I just vented

by barthalowmew the 4th May 11, 2022

venting towel

When venting a beer for chugging a little bitch uses a towel so they won't get a booboo.

Hey did you see Ben Macey using that venting towel?

-yeah that kids a huge pussy

by Gggardner December 12, 2016

Dent vent cement


She opened her dent vent and covered the car bonnet with dent vent cement.

by Zonal K October 18, 2019


the best tiktoker

my favorite mutual

lonely…vents makes epic tiktoks! check them out!

by dickcheesefart69420 July 9, 2021