An untrustworthy V.I.P. who may commonly deceive people, be compulsive liars, etc.
Combines the phrase 'Very Important Person' with 'Viper', the species of snake.
“I don't think they should have lied about their contract.”
"Agreed. They're a bit of a VIPer.”
Viper from tf2 (Titanfall 2) is a mid game boss that features a battle in the air on a ship, his modified northstar titan named "BIGMAN" Has more then just the sub-par capabilities as usual north stars, and is able to fly freely inside his north star.
He gets killed by the player as he is winning a fighting against the players titan BT-7274, the player pulls out a pistol and shoots him leaving him dead, this is possible because BT-7274 ripped off the hatch keeping him safe.
He features numerous infamous voicelines including but not limited too: "You hear that ringin' in your ears, son?" "Argh! Taking fire! O nine zero for twenty, it's, uh, getting a little hot up here." "Visual clear. I've got good tone." "Tally, engaging Bandit." "Viper One- Taking cover. Raz Four visual- point-zero-nine, two-three. Move in." "Bandit's got Core- Break hard shift two." "Regrouping. Prime Three - check right. Press forward!" "Viper One extending to re-engage" "I'm a dot. Bandit at angels twenty-eight." "Target hit. Fox eight." "Good tone, good tone, Fox 10." "Voodoo 1, Viper's on station. Your journey ends here, Pilot. The skies belong to me. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide." "You need to move a little faster than that son, speed is life!"
"Yo bro i just fought Viper in tf2!" "My favorite boss fight is Viper!"
Person 1: damn that viper head is fire af
person 2: still hardtusck plat tho