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what you do?

A shortened version of a variety of questions to ask what a person is doing, such as 'What are you doing?' used by a group of people in urban London, Tokyo and certain parts of Australia.

Person 1: What you do?

Person 2: I do you.

by Ziggystardust73 July 6, 2006

18πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

What Do

A popular way of saying "What to do" or "What should I do" on the image board 4chan. Normally included with a picture.

I walk into my room and see this, what do?

by Desertman123 February 14, 2010

411πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž

What can you do piss in your shoe

This is when you don’t know what to do or say so you respond with β€œwhat can you do piss Nb your shoe”. It is a very versatile saying.

Shannon: oh well!

Leah: what can ya do
Shannon: what can you do piss in your shoe

by Turkey Rashers January 6, 2022

Who is your Daddy and what does he do?

Hilarious quote by Arnold Schwarzenegger in Kindergarten Cop. Used excessively in Arnold prank calls which can be quite hilarious. The term who is your daddy which derrives from this usually is an expression of personal superiority to someone else or to emphasize a victory.

Johnny just beat Tom in a videogame.

Johnny: "Who is your Daddy?"

Jim is screwing Sharon and making her scream quite loudly in orgasmic ecstacy

Jim: "Who's your daddy bitch? Who is your daddy??"

Sharon: "You!"

by Perverted Senin August 26, 2003

415πŸ‘ 129πŸ‘Ž

What doing?

Slang for "What are you doing?"

Me: "What doing?"
You: "Nothing."

by Susan Natch April 10, 2006

61πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Who is your daddy and what does he do?

Best ... Arnie ... Line ... EVER!

"WHO IS YOUR DADDY AND WHAT DOES HE DO?" - Arnold Schwarzenneger

by Chris Ridsdill November 26, 2003

270πŸ‘ 110πŸ‘Ž

what's doing

also what's doing?

A greeting - another way to say hello or what's up.

Joe: Hey Bob!
Bob: Hey Joe, what's doing!

by Jordija May 4, 2004

96πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž