A way of describing that you want someone to fight you.
Often used by normies.
Person: Bro, why you talking shit?
Normie: CaTcH mE oUtSidE hOw BOuT dAt
The best boy to ever exist. He’s there for everyone even if it means he has to ignore how he may feel. He’s loved me through everything and is constantly there for me no matter what. Honestly he’s the type of person you’d want to spend your whole life with. He makes mistakes but when he does he always tried to fix them. He’s super funny and always knows how to put a smile on my face. There’s no one better than my William Howe… ❤️
William Howe has the prettiest smile on earth.
A reference to the board game "Battleship", later digitized, when someone asks a question, or shooting a missile, and missing by "a bit".
J: "Is it less than 5?"
K: "Yeah, we'll say less than 5."
J: "dafuq Well how far off is the battleship?"
how are you feeling / doing?
“Hey, how you holding?”
“Mom said you were sick. You holding?”
rhetorical question designed to highlight the subject's idiocy, to the point that it's a marvel they are able to even do basic things like dress themselves
person 1: doesn't chocolate milk come from brown cows?
person 2: how do you dress yourself in the morning?
First insert your penis into Henry's ass then hum is 280p before you cum then receive God's verdict and make love to men
To become a higher being I evolved how to evolve
First insert your penis into Henry's ass then hum is 280p before you cum then receive God's verdict and make love to men
To become a higher being I evolved how to evolve