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shag money muffins

to be shocked or amazed at something, in awe


by shag money muffins September 25, 2009

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Banana Nut Muffin

The act of stuffing her partners scrotum into her vagina while he is fucking her ass.

Hey honey, interested in a banana nut muffin tonight?

Only if you shaved your balls. Last time the stubble killed my snizz

by Manic Hispanic January 27, 2009

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stepped in a squished muffin

Having anal sex; to have anal sex

I stepped in a squished muffin this morning.

I spent all night stepping in a squished muffin.

Don't step in a squished muffin!

by LeFranc November 1, 2012

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Sky the English Muffin

A sky that stays up too late, particularly in the United Kingdom.

She always saw the Sky the English muffin, whenever she came on vacation.

by _0i May 6, 2019

dusty old muffin

When your balls are all old and wrinkly and they haven't been touched in a long time

That man looks pretty old, i bet he has a dusty old muffin.

by Bub4 February 11, 2017

Fluffin' your Muffin

A term used by Killysunt on YouTube; basically means "just fucking with you."

Me: Your cat's dead. Just fluffin' your muffin

by Buttered Quayle April 23, 2019

My Grandmas Muffins

A Sexual Act where the couple strips their clothes and consume eachothers privates while on a family video call. While you eat the meat you chew it up and spit it around chanting โ€œgrandmas muffinsโ€ over and over.

โ€œHey baby, would you like to show the family Grabdmas Muffinsโ€
โ€œYou bet your ass I would!โ€
โ€œI would love to show My Grandmas Muffins as wellโ€

by MrHornywetsoco December 23, 2020