A person who takes things way too seriously and cannot take a joke.
Jane is such a serious Sarah!
The best of lovers. Nothing can hold a candle to the love they have for each other. They grow and love and learn together. They are bonded throughout time and space.
Sarah Eli and David Chandler are the best of lovers. They are comfortable with each other in every way, almost as if they are one.
omg, its Sarah Tobin again, all she going to do now is yap all day
Have you heard of Sarah Atlas?
Yeah, stay away from her. She's the devil incarnate.
When you physiologically manipulate people into feeling stupid over simple shit.
Sarahing is my favorite pastime cause I’m smarter than everyone else
One of the cutest people you will ever meet. She is a very seductive. She is always cracking jokes and is truly hilarious. She is really beautiful, even if she may not believe it. She has the most amazing hair and is the best person to spend your time with. The most huggable and lovable person you'll ever meet. You'll never forget the time you've spent with her. Her name means princess and she in hood terms would be considered a dollar because she is like ten dimes.
My bae is totally awesome. Her full name is sarah ann-holt and wooww is she perfect.
Awesome, sweet, honest, intelligent,smart, and a boss
Girl- I have No, idea what to do with my homework
Girl 2- as Sarah Brierley she’s really smart :)