a slang for "Youtube Poop", especially the clickbait ones.
TOP 10 SUPER EPIC ANIME BATTLES! (not clickbait)
the definition of a cool name. It's the coolest name in the world right now.
dude 1: "Hello what's your name?"
dude 2: "My name is anime-op"
everyone who heard dude 2: "WOW SUCH A COOL NAME"
dude 2: "I know you don't need to remind me"
I'm not the only one. We're all in one of them actually.
Hym "We've all been turned into an anime character in Jujutsu Kaisen. There's Joe who's a wannabe comedian whose power allows him to do anything that he personally finds funny. There's Ben, a lawyer whose power lets him take his opponent to coirt and, on a guilty verdict, he gets a sword that can kill anything. Jordan is either Gojo or Sukuna. Elon is the gambling guy whose power let's him roll for a Jackpot and accrue consecutive jackpots which allows him to use unlimited curse energy. I'm either Gojo or Sukuna. And Iam is Yuta (the copycat character). And others. I don't kmow who the others are. I'm like 76% sure that that's what's happening there. Joe and Jordan cameo in Good Night World."
Another word for "Retarded"
anime = retarded. that's all there is to it.
Something virgins watch all the time
Person1; Hey do you watch anime?
Person2; Yeah, why?
Person1; Nice so you're a virgin?
The best fucking thing you will ever watch, must watch it unless your gonna watch a shit anime (lucky star) then you shouldn’t have access to the internet.
Weeb 1: what’s your favorite anime?
Weeb 2: Lucky Star
Weeb 1: *stabs weeb 2 37 times in the torso