Source Code

poor check

When someone asks if you have enough money for a item or service you are trying to purchase.

"Yeah my mom poor checked me when I asked if I could buy a sword"

by AidenTucky March 21, 2024

Fag check

When someone covertly questions your sexuality in a round about way as to avoid suspicion.

Girlfriend to boyfriend: Babe I was just wondering ... if you could have a three way with any other dude who would it be?

Boyfriend: I don't know...Brad Pitt?

Girlfriend: I knew it!!!

Boyfriend: I can't believe you just did a fag check

by Bucktavius June 9, 2017


Just some faggy wordplay on fact-checking.

Someone will try to fag-check me into oblivion. But I'm prepared, because I'm going to delete my comment.

by felixh June 20, 2016

Spork Check

“Spork Check”

Background: In certain mental hospitals, plastic sporks are the only eating utensil issued to patients. When a patient is going to throw their trash away, they must show a nurse that their spork is intact while disposing of it. This is to avoid patients potentially harming themselves or others with the spork.

Everyone please line up by the trash can for your spork check.

by applebottomjeans12 May 13, 2020

check valve

Refers to a careful inspection of the positioning/operation of a new/replacement one-way flow-stopper to make sure it's being installed in the correct "direction".

Zero was too stupid/unaware/forgetful to perform a "check valve" detail when hooking up the plumbing for the Camp Swampy mess hall, and so now there are geysers squirtiin' up all over da camp, but no water coming out in any of the kitchen-faucets --- just something more for Sarge to bellow about.

by QuacksO August 12, 2018

P Check

Typing the letter 'P' in someone's browser's address bar and exposing all their pornography habits

Alejandro: Ey bro lemme give u a P check
Khawaja: nah bruh I'm clean just cleared my history

by Adly The First January 13, 2022

license check

When you scratch or check your anus with a "cue-tip" you say "License check".

License check - when you scratch or check your anus with a "cue-tip"

by Osoevilkid May 30, 2023