David is a god. Everyone worships David because he is David. There is a David religion called Davidism, everyone has a roll in Davidism. There is a David currency, David blesses those with this special currency if they are loyal. All must worship David and God Eve, God eve is a whole other subject.
A little bitch boy who is four feet tall and thinks he is funnier than he truly is. You can tell that he is near from the smell of garbage a mile away, and always finds a way to make you feel sad, no matter what.
Oh no, here comes David Markey Quinn. I can already feel the grief overflowing in my veins.
The opposite of bait. Something to use to chase people away.
"By using this Câta David Alexandru, you can make your loved ones go away!"
"so that's why you're keeping a 10 meter distance from me right now"
One of the best husband's out there and one of the best mutuals too. Father of max
Dang your._counselor._.david is really swaggy
God Himself
Man: hello David Olvera Montiel
David: hello
When a male tucks his genitals back, giving the illusion that his penis and testis have completely disappeared. Like magic.
Upon returning from the restroom, his date was slightly taken aback to find he him reveal the full David Copperfield after removing his robe.
Nice little man one have Zackary/Zachary Gary Goldberg s victims of the pinches has the bestest grammar and very very very very good manny
Elijah David Peters: STOP
Zack: no little boy
Elijah David Peters: Your gay
Zack: yes