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Phone chemistry

When you have good chemistry over the phone (texting, calling, social media) but not necessarily in-person...

I have good phone chemistry with Alyssa....let's hope it's the same way in-person

by Abrafam dinkin April 20, 2023

phone hole

when you're sucked in to your phone's photo gallery for an infinite amount of time scrolling through pictures and reliving memories.

sorry, i was sucked in to a phone hole again.

by loos3_fix August 1, 2022

Phone For Me

Literally it’s meaning, phone for whom? You!

I can’t believe you keep calling this phone for me!! Bye bye!!

by Top Troller1 November 24, 2021

New-Phone Theory

When you are out of ideas to tell your friend why he cannot get a girlfriend, or female attraction. So you have to be nice and say it’s the quality of his camera, say he needs a new phone.

No Jacob, you’re not ugly. Just get a new phone, the women will be all around you! It’s called the New-Phone Theory!

by Djay_man July 7, 2021

Phone ethics

Phone ethics ; is the manner and expected way to yours your mobile.

Correct phone ethics, is not to point it towards somebody's lap on public transportation.

by Bryn Benn April 15, 2020

Phone hand

1. What gen Z calls their dominant hand

2. A cramp in your wrist from using your phone

-Which of these beers is yours?
-The one in your phone hand.

I spent all night texting Andre and got phone hand so bad I couldn’t hold a fork today.

by Amchurches May 13, 2023

good phone

Most i-phones, androids among other smart phones with up to date features fall under the category of "good phone".

Yo i got that good phone, so now i can take a pic, mess wit virtual reality, use the web like that chick charlotte. Excetera

by Joeyjuice610 May 13, 2016