When you have good chemistry over the phone (texting, calling, social media) but not necessarily in-person...
I have good phone chemistry with Alyssa....let's hope it's the same way in-person
when you're sucked in to your phone's photo gallery for an infinite amount of time scrolling through pictures and reliving memories.
sorry, i was sucked in to a phone hole again.
Literally it’s meaning, phone for whom? You!
I can’t believe you keep calling this phone for me!! Bye bye!!
When you are out of ideas to tell your friend why he cannot get a girlfriend, or female attraction. So you have to be nice and say it’s the quality of his camera, say he needs a new phone.
No Jacob, you’re not ugly. Just get a new phone, the women will be all around you! It’s called the New-Phone Theory!
Phone ethics ; is the manner and expected way to yours your mobile.
Correct phone ethics, is not to point it towards somebody's lap on public transportation.
1. What gen Z calls their dominant hand
2. A cramp in your wrist from using your phone
-Which of these beers is yours?
-The one in your phone hand.
I spent all night texting Andre and got phone hand so bad I couldn’t hold a fork today.
Most i-phones, androids among other smart phones with up to date features fall under the category of "good phone".
Yo i got that good phone, so now i can take a pic, mess wit virtual reality, use the web like that chick charlotte. Excetera