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Text turn

To walk into a place without having a sense of where you are going then to pull out your phone, pretend to read a text message, and turn the other way.

I accidentally walked into the wrong aisle in Publix and everyone seemed to be watching me, so I text turned back to where I needed to go.

by 161455 March 8, 2015

enhance text

Make something more important, or if in a new artical make it more juicy.

Lets try to enhance text a bit. do you agree?

by January 15, 2018

Punk Texting

(Verb) The act of punk texting. Similar to that of drunk texting, to send a punk text is to make an ass of yourself via text message without being able to use the excuse that you were intoxicated while doing so. Sadly, a Punk Text is sent with a premeditated and completely coherent purpose.

Tarzan: "I think I might have punk dialed you lastnight after punk texting the person I stole this phone from."
Maryjane: "I already punkassumed you were going to."

by Slanguistic August 10, 2019

Text Nazi

is a term used colloquially to describe an individual who vehemently opposes and reacts with anger to receiving social media links through text messages. This person may exhibit an oppressive attitude, imposing sanctions on communication preferences, and may be perceived as being overly butt hurt about such messages. The term highlights a tendency towards prejudice, fostering a form of segregation in digital communication, and creating an atmosphere that feels akin to captivity for those who share links.

Paul is a text Nazi.

by Dr. Conservative November 28, 2023

slinging text

communication between two people in quick succession (generally, a real time discussion) via IM, text message, e-mail, or some other form of text-only communication.

This term is often used as a contrast to other kinds of communication such as a phone call, skype video conference, or just getting up and walking over to your buddy's dorm room.

Guy: Hey, babe, I've been at my computer all day working on my paper that was due tonight, I really don't feel like slinging text around right now.

by djh2600 October 19, 2010


An english text message that contains words or phrases resembling the spanish language.

El Luck-o was really low on the sugar this morning, best to con passay on that dealamomous. Sorry about my mex-text brue, i rang the bell for breakfast earlier.

by OB_77 October 31, 2017

texting trance

A strange phenomena in which a person who is currently sending or reading a text is completely oblivious to the outside world and will not respond to verbal or physical stimuli made in their general direction. Will often evoke anger in people who are trying to talk to the texter.

Trudy: Someone just texted me...
Mark: Who was it Trudy?
Trudy: ......
Mark: Hey dickwad answer me *full hand slap in the face*
Trudy: ......
Cecilia: He won't answer you Mark, he's in a texting trance
Mark: I hate that cunt ass nigger bullshit

by Bigry5959 November 12, 2010