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Larger women who are attracted to semi trucks and smoke jeezy

Why are you so sus?

by English Dicktionary December 12, 2020


ihatemylifeeiemekdmekdmekmdekmdms jmwsk,wma

Guy 1: Hey!

Guy 2: What!

Guy 1: Look at that trash can!

Guy 2: SUSbfhfhvcke,dfcjdhfhaijrhbdvbch4wehsfuerdfgcb

by qazsedcftgbhujmkol.;[']\/.lokm June 24, 2021


sus is a abbreviation of suspicious and a joke refrencing among us.

You kinda be acting... SUS

by the actual imposter:) February 16, 2022


ah nigga thats being wired or not them self- go follow my instagram @wtw.jmell

dat boii sus

by October 1, 2020


People are very lazy so instead of saying suspicious they said sus

You lookin real sus

by Ball boi May 10, 2022


Suspect/Suspicious of someone or something

I don’t why you talk to him/her, they are a little sus.

by January 11, 2022


A “straight” person (usually male) who engages in suspiciously gay activities.

Usually in such a way that arouses suspicion and doubt regarding their sexuality around their peers.
Short for suspicious/suspect

Person 1: Bro, Dan been going a bit too far with those no homo jokes, a bit sus don't you think?

by Yomomgei May 21, 2021