Someone who likes hearing themselves talk. These people will waffle on and on about things they know nothing about. See also: gobshite
Did you hear Jimmy talking about the game? What an absolute waffle iron.
its a tool used to make waffles, contrary to the other definitions.
I use waffle irons to make waffles, what else would I do with them?
When you shit on someone’s stomach and push it down with a tennis racket
I’m going to give him a Mississippi hot waffle
If one were to be waffling, ie ‘talking rubbish’ or ‘talking nonsense’ , top waffle would mean that what they said is the highest form of nonsense
Nahhh Michael just told me he only ate 3 burgers today, but Jacob was with him & he ate 10! That was top waffle!
While doing a girl froggy style - when you’re ready to bust, spread her butt cheeks apart, bust in the crack, and roll her to her side.
I didn’t feel like springing for another plan b, so I gave her the hotel waffle maker
Hey chase did you see that girls waffle sticking out?
A waffle, commonly known by the river variety.
Hey man, you want to go to get some River Waffle? It could really hit the spot