Grinding my gears. Getting annoyed by someone or something and losing patience over it.
“The Huskers went to Ireland just to lose the opening game.”
“You’re really popping my kernels.”
Not my peanut butter and jam okay
Would you like a fish eye
“ no thanks it’s not my pbj kk “
The feeling after a heavy night partying and drinking when you first awake with the hangover from hell.
I feel as rough as a bears ass and my head doesn't fit my body
It's just Boku no Pico: an anime about a young boy named Pico trying to find out who he is with love in his way.
"I watched My Pico the other day"
"Tf is that?"
"It's just Boku no Pico"
"Ew wtf"
It's literally just Boku no Pico: an anime about a young boy named Pico trying to become his own person, but love gets in his way.
"I watched My Pico the other day"
"Tf is that?"
"It's just Boku no Pico"
"Ew wtf"