A God fearing man who is fearfully and wonderfully made, who kept pursuing Jesus' Christlikeness
Van Dick Arrid is an avid follower of Christ Jesus
John: yo i got a Jingle Dick
Being a dick from a distance, is what Zooming into a meeting gives you. Basically being able to say things to your co-workers that you would never say to their face.
Dude, did Jim just call me that? Seriously?
Nah, that douche is on Pacific time, he's just being a dick from a distance.
When a guy mistakes you for a girl at a party and you punch him so hard his lights go out
To get hit from behind in a video game
I was sniping and a motherfucker then dicked me
When one's sweatshirt or jacket hood has been punched inside out and resembles an erect member bulging from his or her shoulder blades.
He snuck up behind the unsuspecting victim and "dicked" their hood so that they spent the next hour wandering around the school looking like an aroused buffoon while everyone laughed about them behind their back.
to be on the recieving end of a 'dick slap' or a 'dick poke'.
casey: awwh sheet - john dicked me so hard last night, it actually left a bruise
elisha: its okay because jack dicked me on my belly and it left a red mark!