Something that Charactersamhatepage says they know but she doesn't
Charactersamhatepage: Hey Korpsy, do you know what lips means?
Korpsy: Shut the fuck up
Charactersamhatepage: You see lips means-
Korpsy: you see Shut the fuck up means to be quiet
Charactersamhatepage: I know
Korpsy: lord, why do I have to explain this to you so many time SHUT THE FUCK UP. MEANS. BE. QUIET
Charactersamhatepage:Do you know what lips means?
Korpsy:shut the fuck up
Charactersamhatepage: You see, lips are-
Korpsy: You see, shut the fuck up means to shut the fuck up and die and a little bit more of BE QUIET
secret signal for when you are playing rainbow six siege and you friend asks you who he wants you to play. this means to play doc or support operators
Friend: Who do you want me to play
You: Shut the fuck up
Friend: Alright
it basically means shut your mouth
i stg if you don’t shut the fuck up i’m gonna eat your mom out
This means to shut up when a person tells u to
Today I told Mathew Moya to shut the fuck up
it is a sentence that means Shut up but in a meaner tone for example like if someone wont stop asking you for something over and over and over again then you say that word.
could you please kindly shut the fuck up im talking right now.