The biggest recognition in this world. People do crazy things to achieve it.
"Hey if I survive this fall from the planr without a parachute I will be the Pumpkin Poppy Cool Dude" - xy
"Ok so if I win the Russian Roulette we both can agree that I will be the Pumpkin Poppy Cool Dude"
A Dude Bub is a type of human native to southern Canada and Vermont, they tend gather in flocks and laugh obnoxiously about hunting and trapping stories. To spot a Dude Bub you must not confuse them with a Redneck. Rednecks, which are similar to Dude Bubs will lean toward more reckless and dangerous behavior while Dude Bubs are more serious about their hobbies and respect the tools they use for them. Dude Bubs will often wear flannel jackets and cap that will read really anything about hunting or fishing. Dude Bubs value their vehicles and whoever ever has the most expensive truck usually takes the role of the dominate Dude Bub in their group. Dude Bubs are called so because the two of the most common words to come out of a Dude Bub’s mouth is you guessed it dude and bub.
“Hey those Dude Bubs over there across the bar are spilling hard cider all over the floor and eyeing me weirdly, let’s get out is here.”
A term used to describe male sex workers, also used as a racial slur targeting men of African descent.
shaun is a night dude on Fridays, he really enjoys sucking my dick!
Stuck up and snobby; arrogant. Someone who has jumped so far up their own ass, though not necessarily a male, that they become intolerable. Inspired by ponytails: People who wear / have them tend to act better than others.
"That girl is so up dude."
"Your boyfriend is hot but he's is too too fucking up dude."
"Man, chill out, don't be so up dude!"
Usually a male with a very high iq, but is restricted from using his intelligence by his severe autism and speech impediment. Paces around a lot and always looks uneasy or awkward.
"Wow mole rat dude is really doing my fucking head in today."
A guy that will give you the world. But you dont know if you want it. Oop. Aha jk not really but yanno. Sksksksk
Everyone:“Kill me now”
“Dude to the kai”
The guy you buy weed from. Not necessarily old, or a dude.
Hey babe, have you gone to see Old Dude yet? We're like, down to stems and seeds.
Oh shit I'll go see her tomorrow.