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Big Lipped Alligator Moment

A musical scene from a film that has little or no bearing to the plot, comes from pretty much out of nowhere, and after it's finished, no one ever speaks of it again.

This can also be used when you and your best friend do something completely random, decide that it makes no sense, and vow to never speak of it again.

Originally found in the Nostalgia Critic/Nostalgia Chick review of "FernGully 2," some of these moments are:
-The Pink Elephants from "Dumbo."
-The song at the very end of "All Dogs Go To Heaven."
-The tunnel scene from the Gene Wilder version of "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory."

Kate: So, how was the play last night?
Peter: It was okay. Herp Derp.
(Then the two just start derping for a while.)
Kate: Well, that was quite a Big Lipped Alligator Moment. Let us never speak of this randomness again.
Peter: Agreed.

by fandomgirl92 June 12, 2013

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White Trash Lip Gloss

The act of eating any greasy deep fried food commonly found at carnivals, state fairs, stock car races, monster truck shows and live wrestling (WWE) that coats the lips of the eater in a manner that makes it appear they are wearing lip gloss...

Look at that chick scarf down that corn dog after she finishes it she's gonna have herself some white trash lip gloss...

by slamhounder February 22, 2012

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skeet skeet for the lips

Lip Balm

I need some skeet skeet for the lips.

by PML/anton July 29, 2008

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Butterfly Pig Lips

where you take a shit in a girls lady’s parts. Then rub it in with your nose making pig sounds. Then roll her up in a blanket and wait for her to pop out.

Did you hear what happened last night? My friend pulled the ol trusty butterfly pig lips on his girlfriend

by dal1990 June 11, 2022

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Lips that grip syndrome

Lips that grips syndrome is when a man dates/sleeps with an obviously toxic woman who has the potential to ruin his life. His justification for going back is that the sex is too good to walk away from.

Charles is dating a woman named Jessica who pressed charges against him, after she suspected they weren't exclusive. She gave herself bruises and cut herself to make it look believable. Charles keeps going back to her despite this. He suffers from Lips that grip syndrome.

by GrungeExpert December 27, 2022

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Does a chicken have lips?

An indirect way of saying 'yes'.

Person 1: Do you want some red velvet froyo with cheescake chunks?
Person 2: Does a chicken have lips?
Person 1: dafuq?
Person 2: You bet your sweet ass and tits I do!

by Lazaruskid July 30, 2013

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ruby-lipped mau mau

Derogatory word for African-Americans, used primarily in San Antonio, TX by Mexican-Americans.

Oye, I hear your sister is going out with that ruby-lipped mau mau.

by Cleo Chase June 8, 2005

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