This.. this is what happens when you find a hot woman, thats all I gotta say.
Me: *scrolling on Instagram*
Me: *finds a hawt woman*
Me: HAHT MAMA eyes turn into slot machine slots WOWZA! tapdancing sounds, running in a circle JEEPERS HEEPERS pants like dog, rips off pants, heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt BA-BUM BA-BUM BA-BUM BA-BUM BA-BUM slams fists on table rattling any silverware or plates DUUUUUUHHHH bashes head with hammer OOOOOHHHH I’M DYYYYYYYIIN’ slams chair on table
The female version of a Papa Smirk. A Mama Smirk is a woman who is beautiful, a stoner, short, and has small breasts; despite any given situation, she still manages to attract a partner. She is a very unique character all around.
"You see that girl over there? She's a real Mama Smirk."
Mamae, or Meimei/Me-Me/Maymay/Meim/Miim, is what a illiterate dipshit calls a meme.
the mamae is so popular
A simple yet incredibly beautiful woman with a big heart and a really sweet personality. Someone whose smiles and laughters echo to everyone around her. Her presence alone is enough to bring life to an otherwise monotonous day. Can get moody at times but still an incredible person to be with. Loves deeply and genuinely, you won't even find a single reason to question her feelings once she's fallen for you. Definitely a keeper. Someone you'd marry one day.
Sister: how's your new girlfriend?
Brother: I love her a lot. Our family will like her, She's a Mamae.
Sister: Really? I can't wait to meet her!
yo mama so fat jesus told her to move away from the town whe he said let their be light BITCH
Mama Beaver is a form of lifestyle. Mama beaver is getting black out drunk in Barcelona with hot Spanish men cavorting on you while ur so thin because of all the ozempic you're on. Mama Beaver most often goes hand in hand with Brat Summer, however they are inherently different.
OMG! You got so drunk last night u started scissoring the DJ in his booth while getting backshots from a drag queen who was on MDMA. MAMA BEAVER!!!