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that's the way the cookie crumbles

cookie represents an object of desire. the state of crumbling represents that the object of desire is no longer attainable in its desired form, or that the object of desire has reached its culmination within a state of decline.

High school senior: "I wasn't accepted into my top choice university."
Father: "Sometimes that's just the way the cookie crumbles."

Boy: "My girlfriend and I finally broke up. We had been arguing for weeks."
Friend: "That's the way the cookie crumbles."

by Zach Herold November 23, 2006

23๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

hand in the cookie jar

When you are in the act of coitus and a guy or girl (because it could go both way) sticks their hand into the girls' vagina for the pleasure of the girl. Similar to fingering

1. Sebastian "Dudeee, last night I was with this fox and I stuck my hand in the cookie jar" ;)

2. Bianca "Hey girlyyyy, last night I was with this HOTTT guy and he stuck his hand in the cookie jar!"

by themostpeppermentofcanes September 25, 2015

12๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cookie Points

What you get when you say the word of the day in a game my friends and i play when were bored.

Me: Oh coolio...intriguing
Friend: Two cookie points!

by gibble-gal December 17, 2005

4๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

lost my cookies

throw up, vomit

Jake: How did that liter of Ron Diaz treat you last night?
Abby: Pretty good up until i lost my cookies

by ekacnapegnaro June 8, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

that's the way the cookie crumbles

A phrase meaning, basically, "That's the way things are, you cannot change it". Usually said to calm someone who's whining overmuch, an usually with little effect.

Man 1: I went on vacation and my fern died!

Man 2: That's the way the cookie crumbles.

by Daniel Finetail May 26, 2004

40๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

iced animal cookies

1) A food individuals can consume to make themselves feel younger.

2) The antithesis of oatmeal. If one feels the urge to eat oatmeal, he / she should immediately head to the nearest convenience store to purchase these cookies. Oatmeal is a food (traditionally) eaten ONLY by older individuals.

3) The 7th major food group added by the USDA in 2008. This food group helps to restore memory loss. It can also be utilized as a replacement for ginkgo biloba. If, by chance, an individual mistakenly forgets to take his / her ginkgo before catching the bus for work in the morning, these cookies will undoubtedly
fill the gap.

4) A delicious, under-rated shortbread cookie often utilized as an anti-aging agent.

5) The fountain of youth can certainly be achieved by eating these lil chippies...

Dude, I gotta get me some of them iced animal cookies cuz I ate oatmeal for lunch today and I feel like I'm already 5 feet under. Hey, I think I forgot to take my ginkgo too.

by Anita Salve April 30, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bakin' Cookies

1. when a girl sucks on a guy's dick til he cums, then makes out with the guy with the cum in her mouth

"Man, last night was dope! Me and my girl went back to her place and started bakin' cookies."

by DaSexMachine July 14, 2009

2๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž