national wigga day is april 6th. all persons who identify as a “wigga” celebrate as it is a normal day.
“what are you doing april 6th?”
“dude, it’s national wigga day!”
National White day is on April 16 and is when everyone (if you want) is to dress up like a white girl.
National Shifting Day is on December 23rd
Hey did you here what day it was today?
No what is it
National Shifting Day!
Dude I’m going to Hogwarts see you
From November 3rd to November 10th Is National Couples Week! Make sure you cuff them girls quick!
National Couples Week is coming up so get yourself a girl quick!
National SpeedSilver day, the day where we celebrate the youtube mastermind who started out with UHC videos.
''Hey man, its National SpeedSilver day, lets celebrate!''
November 26th is national appreciation day well you tell people how much you really appreciate them.
Oh yay today is National appreciation Day so I’m going to go and tell my mum how much I love and appreciate her