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Civil World War

A history term, which includes a civil war, where other countries from around the world help out. The Vietnam war was a civil world war, since it was a civil war, that also included a lot of countries in the rest of the world.

"Do you think the American Revolution was a worse Civil World War than the Vietnam war?"

by SeongBin's Sweet Servant March 25, 2021

Star Wars Syndrome

Totally legitimate medical disorder in which someone argues that nothing new will ever compete with an older version. Also known as Michael Jordan Syndrome.

Sherlock thinks that LeBron James will never compete with Michael Jordan. Sherlock has Star Wars Syndrome

by Stephen Ochocinco December 11, 2013

nut tug of war

A game where a piece of string have 2 ends that a tied on to the nuts, genitalia, groin, crotch, testicles male. The contestants will walk back and the string will have to go off of nuts but nether contestants can untie the string the losses will get kicked in the nuts

Last time I played nut tug of war I lost and the winer was not wearing no normal shoe of corse it had a Metal front that was not kicked quite softly at my nuts

by Biggest brain December 14, 2022

Star wars Generation

Star wars Generation all those born from

The last era of children to grow up in a analog time and the last teens to become adults before 9/11/01. "Graduate High school " The Star wars generation are born from the first movie in 77 to the last in 83 they are the little brother's and sister's to generation X and the Big brother and sister's to Millenials. The Star wars Generation saw many of the same cultural events as Gen X but as young children they were never teens of the 80s but the true kids of the 80s the original 90s teens they grew up on MTV and BET ,FOX .Shows Like the Simpsons and Married with children, Roseanne,Beavis and Buthead,Night court,Cheers,Home improvement,Tour of duty, Knight rider,The Cosby show,Family Matter's, Full house,Miami Vice,Fresh prince , Baywatch, Unsolved Mystery's,Rescue 911 ,Alf and many more . They came of age before many new federal and state laws were mandated for use of car seats for babys and No smoking laws passed in airports and Hospitals in the 90s.They received their driver's license before many teen license laws went into effect but watched as younger friends or siblings had to endure these new laws. The Star Wars generation saw the end of a era and beginning of a new .

Who is the Star wars GEneration

by Father of 7 November 19, 2018

Thirty years war

A war that lasted thirty years

Dumbass: Hey how long did the thirty years war last?
Me: Thirty years, dumbass.

by thrityearswar October 30, 2018

Turkish Star Wars

A movie so bad that it's good.

A friend: "Have you seen Turkish Star Wars?"

Me: "Yeah, it's the best worst movie ever made!"

by NepgearAfficionado April 15, 2022

Polynesian Tug-of-War

The Polynesian Tug-of-War is performed by tucking both of a man's balls inside his rectum before sitting on his face on top of a piano.

The rectum holds the balls quite firmly, so he will be playing tug of war with his own butthole trying to get his nuts out.

"Bro, my Tinder date last night gave me a Polynesian Tug-of-War lady night, and it was incredible!"

by Oxide9 March 9, 2022