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dirty midget

when a midget or short person poops on your chest and screams I am the king of tiny people

Hunter gave Jaxon a dirty midget

by Jesica McNew March 11, 2024

Dirty Bug

The act of sounding when the sound is coated herbs and wax.

"Did you do the Dirty Bug?"
"I heard doing the Dirty Bug hurts!"

by Jellybeanzrul April 16, 2020

dirty junny

when a guy sniffs a substance off of another one of his piers gentalia

what did you do at the party last night”
“oh i received a dirty junny
oh god man”

by secret mannnnnnnnnn December 11, 2023

Dirty cum razor

The act of making a cumcicle then breaking off a small piece of said frozen cum till it gets a sharp edge and then slicing your sexual parter with the dirty cum razor

Tanner: come here baby I made a gift for you
Prostitute: oh baby slice me up with your dirty cum razor

by Lookatmetantan October 14, 2023

Dirty Karigan

When you shart yourself in public uncontrollabley

I was out today and I dirty karigan

by The thought tree September 10, 2021

Dirty throwing star

4 girls eating eachother out at the same time in a the shape

"Damn i walked in and those girl where doing the dirty throwing star"

by The_dirty_bean June 19, 2022

Dirty Pinkeye

When you’re licking a girl’s pussy from behind and she accidentally farts into your eyes

“Dude, are you alright?”

“Nah, my girl gave me a dirty pinkeye last night.”

by Jonaton00 February 17, 2023