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smoking beans

Smoking a bowl of marijuana

"Hold on bro I'm smoking beans"

"I'm so I high I just smoked a bean"

by Jamaleo April 13, 2016

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bean footage

Porno. Bean footage is simply video pornography.

I saw my ex on some internet bean footage.

by Michael Goodrich December 3, 2006

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cool beans

Takes the place of words such as:awesome, cool, hott...and so on. But is much more intresting than the ones listed. Savannah invented this word. She is pratically the defenition of it.

Adam: I got an A on my test!
Savvy:Cool beans man!
Adam: I know man, Now I'll pass!
Savvy:Cool beans man!

by Savvy Daniel October 22, 2006

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oh bean

1) Something to say when you are very proud or very aggravated at another person
2) a topic starter to start a conversation, usually said out of the blue.

1) Oh bean, Steph just played the drums!

by AJ Sendra April 24, 2008

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beans of coolness

See cool beans

Gumba's workout equipment are the beans of coolness fo' shizzle!

by Kung-Fu Jesus April 20, 2004

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sperm beans

Slang for the portion of the male genitalia which manufactures sperm (the testicles).

Man, he ain't NEVER gonna be havin' no kids after THAT hit to da sperm beans!

by Abe Yancey November 10, 2006

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navy bean

a person who is half mexican and half white. navy beans are white beans but still give u gas like no other. they are white beans (white beaners)

Thomas and Maria's child is such a navy bean

by The Original Navy Bean March 27, 2010

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