A bath in wich you preform all of the self care actions you have been putting off for far too long
She only takes bubble baffs and doesn’t use deodorant.
The plants that sting you and leave bumps on your skin.
"There's itchy lumps?"
"Aw you've been stung by bubble stingies en butt"
When the rain is so heavy that it creates bubbles.
I’m not waiting outside for the bus, because it’s bubble rain out there.
Where you blow bubbles into someone’s ares
3OB and Mc Tomasky Bubbling up
Gum that is like tape, but you can make it as long as you want, chew on it, and it tastes like bubblegum!!!
Kid: Mommy, can I have some bubble tape?
Mom: Sure, honey.
-Kid takes bubble tape off of the rack at the grocery store-
-Mom checks out-
-Kid rips off a foot long piece of bubble tape-
A pookie poo poo muffin bean bear that farts with his booty butt a lot.
Scooter sure does make a lot of ass bubbles. He is a booty butt fart!
to see someone at a party that you know, but pretend you do not recognize them.
guy: omg theres that girl i wanted to hu with but she ignored me
friend: omg shes coming up to you!
girl: hey guy!
guy: sorry, do i know you?
friend: good job bro, you just bubbled her!