Source Code

Draw check

The check of the draws.
Show of dominance to see who has off brand draws and who has the luxury draws.

Draw check. Yes sirrr.

by The real yes sirrr December 19, 2019

ea vibe checks

The King Of Creating Memes.

Damn, EA vibe checks is a good guy

by DankMemememememmes October 29, 2020

cash or check ?

it meanskiss now or kiss later ?’

“hey john, cash or check ?”

amora, we’re @ school, so check”

“pleasssse johnnnn ? cash sounds like more fun”

“i’ll catcha later amora, i love you”

“i love you too johnothan

by ur moms psychiatrist May 12, 2020

Double check

They don’t believe you

I just had to double check just in case

by Imsometimesright May 21, 2021

Check my tie

When you've snorted cocain and want to know make sure there is no visible cocain on or in your nose.

Hey Tommy, check my tie, I just hit the slopes and there's no mirror.

by Folistic September 1, 2023

invenTORY check

A "bean-counting" assessment dat King George likely performed during da 1770's to determine how many Loyalists he had among his subjects.

Since da colonists were joining da Patriots in droves, just a single invenTORY check might not have yielded reliable results over da long term --- multiple sessions of said numbers-crunching might have been necessary to truly find out how many of da subjects still supported Da Crown.

by QuacksO November 15, 2024

Fraud Check

A term used in the MMA community for when a fighter whose skills have been severely overrated due to only fighting low-level opponents finally fights someone at a higher level and gets exposed as not being nearly as good as their fans had claimed they were

Ronda Rousey got brutally fraud checked in her last two fights.

by jakkal25 April 3, 2024