Noun: The arm-waving, body-jerking action taken by users of "hands-free" water fountains to try to activate the sensors and relinquish a stream of filtered earth sauce into our gaping piehole. Named for the notorious water fountains in Benedum hall of engineering at the prestigious University of Pittsburgh
Scrambleisha had thought she was thirsty before, but after a few seconds of the Benedum Rain Dance, she was positively parched.
some thing bigmanshaq doesn't do
She wanted to vibe, man don't dance
Looked in my eyes, man don't dance
One, two step, man don’t dance
Flex on your ex, man don't dance
She stepped on my crepes, man dont dance
Touch my chest ('Low that), man dont dance
One, two step, man don't dance
Man don't dance, man don't dance
If you mess with that guy, you're booking a hurt dance.
Take your baby by the hand
And make her do a high handstand
And take your baby by the heel
And do the next thing that you feel
We were so in phase
In our dance hall days
We were cool on craze
When I, you and everyone we knew
Could believe, do and share in what was true
I said
Dance hall days love
Take your baby by the hair
And pull her close and there, there, there
And take your baby by the ears
And play upon her darkest fears
We were so in phase
In our dance hall days
We were cool on craze
When I, you and everyone we knew
Could believe, do and share in what was true
I said
Dance hall days, love
Dance hall days
Dance hall days, love
Take your baby by the wrist
And in her mouth an amethyst
And in her eyes two sapphires blue
And you need her and she needs you
And you need her and she needs you
And you need her and she needs you
And you need her and she needs you
And you need her and she needs you
We were so in phase
In our dance hall days
We were cool on craze
When I, you and everyone we knew
Could believe, do and share in what was true
I said
Dance hall days, love
Dance hall days, love
Dance hall days
Dance hall days, love
Dance hall days
Dance hall days, love
Dance hall days
Dance hall days, love
September 30th a day we’re you can dance like no one is watching
Omg lays dance, it’s national dance day!
The mix between a Camel and a Donkey. Originating in egypt they have now become a world wide phenominom.
When two gentlemen's, or sirs', are standing close enough to where their stomachs touch. The way you perceive gentleman or sir varies on the size of each's gut.
Tom and Bob have gotten into an argument and are face to face yelling at each other. Little do they know their stomachs' are touching. Thus, in a gentlemen's stance/dance stance.