Isaac might seem like a guy but is really a full blown lesbian. He is not even good looking.
Girl: did you here Isaac is a lesbian.
Girl 2: would not ever look in his direction now i definitely wont
Boy: yeah he's to gay to even hang with the other gays
Isaac: your a faggot
Boy 2: oh there he go's again trying to shift the blame
Tucking hair behind ones ear, in a lesbian manner. Used primarily in the city of Liverpool, England.
“oh shit! i've got lesbian ear!”
Female fish that would rather fuck other female fish then male fish.
Kaya: Look at all the Lesbian fish in the water
Similar to a peacock preening its feathers, the snowman lesbian builds and maintains her snowman in order to attract a mate. A snowman lesbian might spend days or even weeks on a single snowman but finding another lesbian to U-Haul home with makes it all worth it.
John: “Why’d she move to Montana?”
Betty: “Oh, she’s a snowman lesbian. She’s gotta go live somewhere with a lot of snow to have any chance of getting laid.”
A Lesbian who wears a Pantsuit
Hey! That chick on the news is a total pantsuit lesbian
Lesbian son is when your a mom and you have a son who's lesbian
what is a lesbian son?
A lesbian son is a male who is obsessed with women
To all of the boyfriends out there, watch out or my lesbian son will steal your girl
Mom: I love my lesbian son
Lesbian son is when you a mom and you have a son who's lesbian
what is a lesbian son?
A lesbian son is a male who is obsessed with women
To all of the boyfriends out there, watch out or my lesbian son will steal your gurl
Mom: I love my lesbian son