Rhyming slang for "Gobshite". People who explain quite confidently how things should be done, but really they have no clue, or their own agenda that benefits no-one but themselves.
He's explaining how war benefits mankind, what an utter Leading Light.
Its when you have a good “personality” aka 6’+ aryan chadlite
Yo i just saw someone with a lot of inner light
Yeah He seems really nice
A male let's his testicular scrotam hang over a female's optical receptors, allowing the testicles to hang freely. The female then inserts a finger into the male's rectum acting as though it is a light switch. The male remains in this position until the female flips the light switch again.
Did you hear that Mikey gave Sharlene hangdown lights?
He hasn't been able to sit straight since.
Green light means someone is a hoe.
Ugh all sally wants is male attention. She is such a green light
Green light can be used when you drain a shot in basketball.
Green light is when a Nazi wants you dead. They “green light you.” And that means they will cover up your murder if any Nazi kills you.
“Eli Falconette was green lighted at 11. He was found dead in his car at 39”
Nickname for someone who sucks everybody dick and gets caught. Word originates from Southern Maryland
Sierra a green light, she gave Jay head yesterday !