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Retard baby

A baby who was conceived because the condom broke and the parents dont give a fuck about the poor kid:(

Nelly: hey is that your retard baby? Dad: yeah ill throw him off the balcony tonight so fuck off. Nelly:bro im calling cps!!!!

by Sugon69 July 28, 2022

Fucking Retard

Delay or hold back in terms of progress, being more retarded than a retard, or having the name Brady or Spencer.

Goddamn Brady you’re such a fucking retard!

by TheNutOfTruth August 30, 2022

Fucking retard

The name you were called at least once if you ever had a sibling.

Me: Hey, Paul what's up?
My brother: Nothing you fucking retard.
Me: k

by peterthemeatbeater April 16, 2018

Fucking Retard

Fucking retard is an insult that often get used in arguments

Karen: you’re holding up 3 fingers
Jake *holding up four fingers*: no you fucking retard im holding up 4 fingers

by BiggieCheese02T February 7, 2020

Fucking Retard

A fucking retard refers to a human being who is insanely stupid.

"Mason Cole is a fucking retard."

by MasonColeIsRetarted November 25, 2021

Fucking retard

Someone who stigmatizes and misunderstands physcology, the real world and other races, cultures in today's world. And is based entirely on misconception and misinformation.

That harley owner is a fucking retard. Freind: most are ignorant af-as fuck in slang

by A700 March 10, 2022

#exclude <retard>

To exclude the retard library from your school end work.

Does not apply (just #exclude <retard>).

by users March 2, 2020