When the male shits in the females asshole
Yo dog I kinda wanna* 250 sexual meaning *this bitch
Attraction to MOST of the 100 girls
Micah asked me if I was gay, I told him I am The 100 Girl Sexual
el moncho sexual is who someone who really likes sugar daddys ඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞ
oh boy im a el moncho sexual!
oh thats cool im a good sugar daddy
(hot and attracted)
a sex position in which all participants face one direction and fuck from behind; to have sex in one line
Yesterday at the orgy, I experienced the almighty sexual human caterpillar.
Let’s try out the sexual human caterpillar tonight!
When you are sexually attracted to windshields
For Example "Cassandra is window shield sexual."
A month of men and women not have sex, watching porn, and not sexually looking at a person
Ancient text says
"If thy winth stop sexualizing September the has become god"
Veronica said look at her tits during September
Charlotte said you have sinned by failing stop sexualizing September
A Sexually Motivated Carjacking is a crime of carjacking except motivated by sexual reasons. The man/woman must have a fetish towards cars and cannot do it due to a human inside the car. A SMC incident must only be motivated by sexuality towards the car.
"hey Jerry my car was stolen"
"It could have been a Sexually Motivated Carjacking"