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the trunk of your car

The place where you keep things that you sell on the street.

Are you selling those tee-shirts out of the trunk of your car?

by ma231 January 16, 2011

Uncle Car Curtains

Someone who is not to be trusted, potentially dangerous.

"Stay the bollocks away from him, darling. He's well 'Uncle Car Curtains'".

by Jebadiah April 4, 2020

race car to the face

When someone motorboats a man's general jewel package. could also be followed by an excited "VROOOM!"

"Hey baby, how bout a lil race car to the face?"

by BrinkyBoo May 5, 2012

Die-in-a-car hot

Used to describe a person who is so good looking you would have sex with them in a car even if it meant dying immediately afterwards.

"She's hot."

"Yeah but she's not die-in-a-car hot,"

by DDoig1 August 27, 2019

car accident hot

A human who is hot enough to cause a car accident due to rubberneckers.

Yeah, she’s hot, but she’s not car accident hot.

by talktodrmusic November 24, 2020

Car Good Sleep

the good sleep you get in a car

isaiah had that car good sleep on the way to class

by Haevaof March 19, 2018

Best car in the world

Mazda rx-7

The Miata is like a little brother to the best car in the world

by November 24, 2021