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flip my pizza

My uncle told me to flip his pizza. I have no clue what the fuck it means

"Go Flip my pizza boy" Anon's uncle exclaimed
"What the fuck?" Anon responded with confusion

by Vinneyhd February 3, 2018

Flip your car around

This saying is used towards people who out of the blue start acting weird or oppositely of how they usually act. “Flip you car around” means “you better stop acting this way, Idk what changed your personality” also meaning to tell someone to change their attitude

Josh:hey bro
Brody: don’t talk to me
Josh: damn, flip your car around

by Coloradotoohio April 26, 2018

flip for it

Flip a coin to make the choice. Assign one choice to heads and one to tails first.

Friend A: “I don’t know whether I want a shake or a smoothie.”
Friend B: “Flip for it!”

by angel2015 December 8, 2018


Flip flopping: A statement that cant be confirmed with action.
To flip flop; To go against your word for no apparent reason.

Sudden negative change of action. Confused , appearing fake.

My freind Phyllis always talk a good game but does the contrary, shes a total Flip flopper.

by Jenn Taylor October 17, 2017


Flip flopping: A statement that cant be confirmed with action.
To flip flop; To go against your word for no apparent reason.

Sudden negative change of action.

My freind Phyllis always talk a good game but does the contrary, shes a total Flip flopper.

by Jenn Taylor October 17, 2017

baby flip

The proccess of jumping of the head board of the bed grabbing the flaps and extracting the baby out the womb its often used in country's such as Ghana and Nigeria

Doctor - the baby looks early
Women - oh you don't say my husband did the baby flip
Doctor - that explains alot

by Zs big boy November 6, 2018

Flip off

When your to much of a bitch to say fuck off so you say flip off

Flip off

by Fxnn122 January 3, 2022