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Are the Jews watching tonight ?

Sometimes I don’t know if it is just my imagination.

Are the Jews watching tonight ? I don’t know if I am actually talking to the Jews.

by Zatarain’s Root Beer Drinker February 11, 2021

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Nigger penis faggot jew

A nigger who has a penis and likes sticking it's penis in other niggers and is also a jew

You are such a nigger penis faggot jew!

by dodgy man May 21, 2024

3👍 2👎

Jew Chum

Any thing free or samples offered at grocery stores, bank etc...

A jew is incapable of passing up a tasting kiosk in a store or taking a pen everytime they enter a bank. Like blood is chum for sharks - free is chum to jews "Jew Chum"

by The Flanstraw November 5, 2011

jew saver

kyle chitty saver of the jews number 74 dressed up as hitler and killed everyone from the inside

i did a kyle chitty last night jew saver

by jew savour May 13, 2021

Jew Block

When Jews block you from spreading the thruth about their Khazar Edomite heritage and plans for world domination.

I was talking about the Khazar Talmudists the other day and one of their minions didn't like it, so I got a Jew Block. They won't let me post again.

by WhyzGuy April 7, 2019

Autistic Jews

James Campbell Anime Club

The Anime Club is full of Autistic Jews

by ouhgeee November 19, 2019

Riding Jew

Bar Mitzvah’d men in the front of the car, everyone else in the back

Kid 1: Hey why does Noah’s dad always let him ride shotgun? Whenever i’m in the car my older sister rides up front

Kid 2: It’s because they’re Riding Jew

by YahwehTheSlumpGod June 20, 2022