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Kurt me

To Kinky hurt someone

Hey baby I know you want to Kurt me;)

by Joshua_69 February 10, 2016

Windows ME

Windows ME - a ridiculous example of how bad Microsoft operating systems can be. Windows ME (or Windows Mistake Edition if you know what I'm saying) had started development in 1999 while Windows NT 5.0 (known as Windows 2000 in its final release) was being developed for professional use. Windows ME was meant to be for home use and it was basically an upgrade to Windows 98. It was also the last operating system to be ran on top of MS-DOS (which made no sense because even though Windows NT existed, why would Microsoft want to make a 32-bit operating system on top of a 16-bit kernel?). It was also rushed - good job Microsoft. (You didn't only rush this OS so good job!) Due to how rushed it was, it had performance issues and driver support showed vulnerabilities. (Some builds of ME fucking blue screened when shutting down in safe mode - how amazing.) . Programs also ran on a single string of memory, meaning if one program crashed, every other program would crash too.

In 2000:

Person 1: "Hey, why are you using Windows 2000 at your house even though it's for professional use?"
Person 2: "Windows ME just doesn't support hardware that Windows 2000 does and it's shit. When I tried Windows ME at another place it just blue screened like every second.")
Person 1: "Understandable."

by mrfunnylaughs February 17, 2020

me cocker

Cornish slang for friend.

"alright me cocker"

by Dek123 April 9, 2015

Queen Me

The common response to getting a pawn across the board in a game of chess.

"Pawn to 8b. Queen me."

by GrogsMoppy October 15, 2020

Compel me

Compel me is another word for “make me” when your man/girl says you can’t say make me anymore so say compel me instead :)

Him: stop saying “make me

Her: fine, compel me ;)

Him: oop-

by Daddy’sPrincess02 August 5, 2020

It me it tom

It me it Tom is the famous saying from the one and only Tom from The Verse. This can be found on Ambs and els YouTube channel check them out :). It has now caused people from all over the uk to now start there name with “it me...it”

It me it Tom
It me it jtyk

“It me it Jt is a twat”

by Ifuckingloveewo January 17, 2019

Lie to me

Nothing special. Maybe some political message idk.

- I mean this I'm okay

- lie to me

by jkjkdany May 26, 2020