Caleb Zackery Toliver Is Peter Potamus
An acceptable term for an erection in public.
Boys I've got a proud peter flowing through the midst in the air.
Funny word/term for another dude's hands. Implying that he masturbates often/impulsively :)
Yo Dawg!? How about you stop touchy all the chips with your dirty ass Peter Beaters !
A man who loves touching children slang for I’m a nonce and have a son with half a tooth
“Aw Jesus boys ers Peter boyd hide”
Denisa Luca’s crush and she wants him forever. Absolutely minted but a bit cheesy ( especially down there ) joking joking. He wants denisa and getting rizzy with her.
Peter Stitt is with denisa? What a lucky girl.
Fucking Perer to make love to Paul
Fucking Peter to make love to Paul
Fucking Peter to make love to Paul
Fucking Peter to make love to Paul